Jessica is a caucasian woman with blonde hair. She is wearing a checked black and white shirt and is smiling. Behind her is green shrubbery

Journalist | Consultant | Artist | Photographer |

Neurodivergent Social Change Maker

I am a person with disabilities. For years I was determined to hide this reality from the world.

What I have discovered more recently however, is openly identifying as a person with disabilities would change my world in ways I had never considered.

Today I actively channel my lived experience as a person with disabilities, together with considerable knowledge and expertise in diversity and inclusion, social justice, and disability spaces into my work as a journalist, consultant, artist and photographer.

My life experiences bring into greater focus the importance of starting conversations that change disability narratives. I continue to look for opportunities to be a voice for those who are left without a voice, promoting hope that change is possible.

While wearing many hats in my work, I hope to ultimately work alongside change makers to shift the disability and diversity discourse and start conversations that continue to matter moving forward.